(b) To promote such public/private sector partnerships.
حماية الأعمال العلميةوالأدبية والفنية
I am going to track her down and give her a piece of my mind.
سوف اذهب لا علمهاالادب
Welcome to world literature.
اهلا بكم في علمالأدب
Aww teach her some manners, Rock.
اووو علّمها بعض الأدب, (روك)؟
Teach him a lesson! Get him, Stens!
!أدبه! علمه يا ستانس
(a) The Literacy and Numeracy Goal.
(أ) الهدف الأدبيوالعلمي.
- Teach him a lesson. Get him, Stens.
!أدبه! علمه يا ستانس
The Constitution provides in article 74: “Citizens are free to engage in scientific, literary and artistic pursuits” and in article 52, paragraph 2: “The State shall encourage creative workers and artists to produce works of high ideological and artistic value and enlist the working masses widely in literary and artistic activity.”
للمواطنين حرية القيام بالأنشطة العلميةوالأدبية والفنية وحق المشاركة فيها. وتنص المادة 74 من الدستور على ما يلي: "يتمتع المواطنون بحرية المشاركة في الجهود العلميةوالأدبية والفنية".
Liberal Arts/Sciences Are you going with liberal arts or sciences?